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I am a senior starting this new school year. I have a job in graphic designing and I might have another job at a grocery store soon.

August 26, 2008

I Think I'm Going To Rip Out My Hair!!!

Ok, so today, the second day of school. Can you say WORST DAY EVER? Really, the day started out so great, I had a good morning, lunch, and then school let out. (They fixed the problem with so many people at the table.)

Well, I go into the front of the school to get on the bus to go home, and there is my exboyfriend Markus. Now, let me let you understand this, we were a big thing my freshman year. Like, we were all into the engaged thing, I tried to run away with him, (big mistake) and we were just, together. He lied to me a lot and used me a lot and I loved him nevertheless. Well, we broke up.

Julian doesn't like him because of those reasons. Now, back to the story. Markus is sitting in his truck on my groups side of the school. Like he was wanting to talk to everyone there. Well, Julian was in the passenger side window, talking to him. I figured that they could at least have a decent conversation together, but NOOOOO! They all have to go off and be testosterene induced boys. (I didn't hear what they were saying, but I figure it's not anything nice because of what happens next)

So I walked to our side of the school front and start talking to Aries. Julian comes up and stands beside me with this FACE on like hes trying to distance himself with the world. (Not a good sign with him it means he's trying to control his anger) So I ask him what's wrong and he says that he doesnt want to talk about it. Then I ask again, and he says that he doesn't need to talk about it right now. Then Markus gets out of the truck, and I'm thinking Oh Boy. So he comes up to where everyone's standing and starts to talk to everyone.

Then Julian gets really pissed off and tells me that he has to go. So he leaves me there with this guy that I probably shouldn't be hanging out with at all. (He was really pissed off at this moment so I figured it was best that he leave anyway)

So Julians gone, and here I am with this GUY. He hugs me and tells me that there's something for me in the truck. And everyone's asking me WHERE'D JULIAN GO? WHERE'D JULIAN GO? And I'm over there like, dude, he left, he's pissed let him be. And so I'm over there freaking out because he's gone, and now Markus is trying to give me a gift, and then my bus comes and I'm like Thank God.

So I left.

Now I remember why I hate high school. So much drama. I've tried to call Julian today, but he didn't answer. So I'm going to try again at six, but I'm really worried about him. I don't want him to be freaked out and mad like that ever.


Arielle Fragassi said...

Why would an ex just "have" a present for you? I think it's good that you left, that sounded kind of shady.

Even if it were me, I would have been curious enough to one says I'm smart. :P

I'm glad you broke up with a guy like that though. No one deserves to be used and lied to.

I hope Julian gets over his anger and talks to you!