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I am a senior starting this new school year. I have a job in graphic designing and I might have another job at a grocery store soon.

August 20, 2008

Can I Tell You Something Personal?

Alrighty then. I had this really freaky dream last night, and I can't figure out what it means. Yes, I'm one of those people that know dreams mean something. It's a code that you have to figure out, and I found a place where they have everything in there. I've figured out a few things from that thing, and it's scary accurate about them. Here's the link: And heres the dream:

Our church went to the mall. Julian was there as well as Stephen, and Jessica. I remember something about cussing someone out because of the esclators and telling them to move out of my way so I could get off. (We were going up and I have a fear of heights) Then somebody got mad and pulled me off to the side and started talking to me. Then, the mall disapeared, and we were in the bottom of a canyon that was pretty much nothing but dirt. There was a little trail that had a beach on it, and I went down this trail and looked around. I came back, and everyone was sitting at a table, but my spot by Julian was taken by Ashley. (Ashley is someone that I hate that hates me back, probably. I haven't said one word to her in 3 years...which is why I'm trying to figure out why shes in here. She is very stuck up and she hangs out with preppy people, whilst I hang out with unsociable people) I pull up a chair by the other side of Julian, and he pushes it away with his foot. (Everything's fuzzy for awhile, but I remember one thing definatly...)

He chose her over me every time anything went on in that canyon. I slept away from everyone, sleeping at the beach. No one ever came to check on me or anything, then one day I got fed up with it, and told him "I hope youre having fun with your little slut, you can have her, because were through." I had whispered this in his ear.

So... um yea. I'm still trying to figure that one out.