About Me

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I am a senior starting this new school year. I have a job in graphic designing and I might have another job at a grocery store soon.

August 1, 2008

Some of My Work

Ok, so this is Anabell. She was a stray that wandered up into our yard, starving. We fed her for awhile, then we went on vacation, and the owner happened to see her at our house while we were gone, and took her. *sniff* I miss that dog. She was the first pit bull I liked.

Why is there a picture of clovers on a wall you ask? Because, I loved the way that they got there. I have never seen a clover patch climb UP A WALL. Ok, it might not be that uncommon, but I have never seen this before.

Our family went on vacation one year and time and the park was so beautiful. I got tons of pictures that time that we went. This is one of my favorite pictures that I've ever taken.

This is Jeromey. We used to be pretty good friends. I just wish that I had photoshop so I could work on his face...:)

This is Kelly, she's a fun emo kid that I know back in school.


The Go In Betweens said...

lovely pictures lonely girl