About Me

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I am a senior starting this new school year. I have a job in graphic designing and I might have another job at a grocery store soon.

July 29, 2008

Sorry Guys...

I had to change my blog address, and e-mail, because I got serisouly spammed/threatened by someone. LOL. SO... I've decided to go ahead and make a story. It's about vampires and such, I don't really have a plot to it, it just depends on how things go for me. I really don't know if I will finish it, it's gonna take me a lot of concentration to do it. I'm going to try to finish all the chapters before school starts, which is like a month from now.

I really need some advertising to get my blog up and running again, so if you would be so kind as to email me your link, and put me on your link list, I will dedicate a WHOLE post about you, AND put you on BOTH of my link lists. It would be terrific if you would post on me too but you don't have too. The only thing I'm really worried about is the story and all. So you can just have your pick on either one... or BOTH. But serisouly, I will make a point to do that. My e-mail is:

Like I said, it would be a great help to me, thank you. ={


John said...

That sucks that someone was harassing you! What did they want? Creeps...
I read your vampire story and will continue to keep up with it. Keep it going. Also, there is an option where people can email you from your profile. You may want to do that as opposed to having your email in one of your posts. Especially, if jerks are writing bad stuff to you, you know?

Mama needs a drink said...

Good luck with your writing my dear! I have been writing since I was about nine. I get nervous by the end and never finish, fear of rejection I guess. I have tons of poems and dramatic rantings up in my attic. Be brave and follow through. You remind me of myself when I was younger. People mess with what they can't understand and tread on beauty. I was a little goth girl in the early 90's way before it was even tolerated and was tormented. Luckily they were to afraid of me to do much. So follow your heart and close your ears! By the way my guns are definatly away from my children and my oldest has been well educated about gun safety, and is reminded constantly about the dangers. Thanks for being concerned, even as a gun owner my tummy turns when kids are around!

Niesha Miller said...

Thanx for the advice. Really needed it. I'm much better though. Look for forward to more of your writing.

brainsnorts said...

although it might be fun to make up the story as you go along, you'll probably have a better story if you sketch out a plot with a clear conflict and resoluation. if you don't, you're going to have weak spots, you're going to get bored, and you're going to panic when you don't know what to write.

i'm going to keep up with your story because i like vampire stories and because i like to think i might be able to help your story a little.

do you read much of stephen king? either way, it might be helpful for you to go through my blog and find the entry about him.

good luck - have fun