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I am a senior starting this new school year. I have a job in graphic designing and I might have another job at a grocery store soon.

October 3, 2008


Oh my gosh. I am so freaking out. I signed up for the PSAT test at school, and I got online to study a little bit, and I found out... I'm not as smart as I think I am. I am like, super-stupid, cause I don't even remember how the heck to do simple things like equations and crap like that.

Oh...My....GOD! Like, superhyperventalliating over here.

Anyways, I've been really super lazy recently. I mean really lazy. I have the seventh chapter all written out and all, all I have to do is type and edit it. I think I'll try to do that this weekend...


Angel said...

You better! cuz it's driving me crazy...I wanna know what happens! =P

<3 Samantha

HektikLyfe said...

They have PSAT Study Guides at any book store. Grab some coffee and spend a day there ripping through a few. Sometimes you just need a refresher.

Good luck and thanks for your comment on my Psycho Costume blog post! :)

DragonRaid said...

oh the i hated that. actually i hate the actual test more.

don't worry. you're not alone. i think the sat's designed to make you feel stupid j/k lol. just try not to stress out too much. as for studying, well, it depends how much you're committed to studying :)