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I am a senior starting this new school year. I have a job in graphic designing and I might have another job at a grocery store soon.

August 18, 2008

It's Chapstick, Chapped Lips, And Things Like Chemistry

Ok, so right now I'm almost finished editing the fifth chapter of Untitled, and I have the first draft for the sixth chapter as well. I still haven't thought of anything to call it, but I'm racking my brains for it. =)

School starts next monday. >.< So I'm not sure if I will be able to post as much as I do right now for a couple of weeks. It's because the first week is pretty hectic with trying to find classes, memorize your schedule, and get used to your teachers, and have things calm down. I may be able to spit out a chapter that week, but I would have to struggle to do it, and I'm not sure I want to struggle because I did with Valdor and look where that got me. But if you want me to send you an email whenever I post a chapter after school starts, just email me (mine's on my profile) and tell me what you want me to do.

I know somebody is gonna wanna shoot me for this, but I want school to start realllllllllllllllllllllllllllly badly. It's gotten so boring out here that I have nothing to do, but get online and hope for comments on my story, or on here. The only thing that's holding me back is what if I don't get to see Julian when it starts? Yea, yea, yea, I know. It's typical teeenage girl stuff, but I don't think I could deal with not seeing him all day, and we'll (well, I know I will) be too tired to do anything on the weekend, so I'm kinda worried about that.

You know, ever since I was in the eighth grade, I wanted to switch schools. I've always wanted to go to another place and start over, cauze honestly, my friends arn't the nicest ones out there. You have to be USED to the way they talk, but they're true friends. It's kinda wierd in another sense too. We communicate mostly through physical things, not things like talking or anything, we just mess around. Yea, I hate being social, which is why I fit in there best, but they can just be so... rude sometimes that it depresses me.

I first started feeling like this in the eighth grade when I had no one to talk to. And now I feel like this because I don't like the people that I hang out with sometimes. And what is holding me back you say? Well, somebody abandoned me in my freshman year at school, and I mean I really loved him. Even now, when I look back on it, I know we had something different than others around us, we were truly in love with each other. But anyways back to the reason, well he dropped out of school and left me there by myself, and I couldn't call him because of my parents not liking him, so I was depressed for months. I really don't even remember what happened in that span, because I was so gone. (Yea, drama drama drama) But ever since then, I've had this abandoning issue with boyfriends, I can't and won't leave them like he left me.

Is that wierd?


brainsnorts said...

wow. you should talk to my daughter. she's starting 9th grade and feels about the same way.

Arielle Fragassi said...

I'm ready for school too, mostly because I'm ready to get out of this house and out of Killeen. My parents are too nosy and controlling. College is the only place I get to breathe. The classes and studying, they're only a distraction from my freedom. :D

At least you get to see Julian frequently, imagine seeing him only two weekends per month. I only get to see Brandon every other weekend because he lives three hours away, and most times we don't even get any time to ourselves.