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I am a senior starting this new school year. I have a job in graphic designing and I might have another job at a grocery store soon.

August 25, 2008

I think I'm goint to SCREAM!!!!!

I swear I'm almost done with the sixth chapter. I just need to retype it. (I try not to feed all of you crap. ) I'm going to reread it tonight, and edit it tomorrow when I get on. Then, I will give ya'll the next chapter. I know that I've been slacking off recently, but it's been kinda hard this week for me. You know, getting ready for school and all.

Speaking of school today was the first day back for me. I've always hated the first day of school because all the teachers go over are the same old rules that you've heard every first day of school for 11 years or more. It was so boring. And everyone that I know/hang out with ended up with the SAME FREAKIN LUNCH. So we're all sitting there trying to cram, like what? 12 people into a table that sits like 6. And I'm calustrophobic! The entire time, I'm trying to hide in Julian's shoulder whispering to myself "Make them go away" trying to make them go away, cause Stephen is pratically sitting in my lap. The only reason why I didn't leave and sit somewhere else is because I can stand to sit with those people, even with us so jam packed on a table like that. It still bothered me though, because I hate crowds like that, even with friends.

Oh, but the good thing is, that I ended up with Julian in 2 of my classes, and in lunch. And then I ended up with my old english teacher. If you've ever seen Freedom Writers, you'll get a general picture of what she is like. Honestly, she could be the exact copy of that teacher off of there. I love her so much. :)

Ugh.... God save me from high school. :P


Author and Reader said...

Think of it this way...only this year and next, and then you will be done!  Or least I'm not some scared little freshman, trying to find my locker, my class, the lunch room, and most of all to avoid being the object of some upperclassman's joke! And life goes on... smile! :) cause the world loves you. (or at least your friends and family do...and that's what counts, right?)

Arielle Fragassi said...

Yay, I'm glad you have Julian in a few classes! Just don't let him distract you. :P Your English teacher must be really awesome. All we ever had were old ladies that hated their lives... :(

I'm looking forward to your next chapter, and I wanted to let you know just in case you didn't see that I started posting another work today, it's at
If you get a chance to read it, lemme know what you think. The first chapter is pretty short. :P