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I am a senior starting this new school year. I have a job in graphic designing and I might have another job at a grocery store soon.

September 2, 2008

My English Teacher Ate It

Wow, so I gave my english teacher my flashdrive today. It had all of my photos and writings on it. (minus valdor my first story blog). I hope she likes it. Shes one of the most inspiring teachers out there. Like that teacher from freedom writers.

But her husband is the art teacher, and he liked some of my photos from last year. :) he said on the first day of school this year that i take amazing pictures. And it's really cool because he doesnt remember my name, but he remembers me by the pictures i take. Honestly, id rather that be it than my name.

I hope they like all of it, she read the first chapter or Life After and said...>ahem<>

but i feel a lot better now. i got to work in photoshop today!!! yea i got to edit pictures and all. i took this picture:
and cleared up their faces. theres nothing wrong with them the way they look. i acatually made their eyes blue the first time i edited it.
buuuut i dont have the finished draft of it, so i cant show yall until tomorrow.... cause my teacher has my flashdrive...
anyways have a good day


John said...

Hey there, it's great that your teacher is taking a look at some of your stuff. Both she and the art teacher sound cool. We could use more like them. Hope school is going well.