So it's about 3 days into the school year and I'm starting to calm down. Yesterday I had a total breakdown and started to cry. Yea, I know, I'm a crybaby, but I couldn't help it. I'm getting used to the new school, it has it's advantages and its downsides as well. For example, we have stairs, and I have a big problem with stairs that has already been proven in front of the whole school. O.o I totally busted my ass on them the very first day, but on the upside, there are much, MUCH, better school facilities now. I knew the old school better and it felt like my home, but here we have a kick butt auditorium. There, you knew where every single class was and you weren't lost or disoriented all the time, (sometimes I will forget that I am on the second floor because both the first and second floors are in the same layout) and here, we have more classes and have more opportunities to learn. There wasn't a second floor there, (did I happen to mention that?) and here its so much cleaner.
But about the breakdown, it's just typical teenage crap but Monday I saw my ex, at Spirit Night and it totally stressed Julian out, which in turn, stressed me out. (btw he HATES that guy) I fell down the stairs, got lost about 3 times, got griped out for something stupid by my mom, and just had to deal with a buttload of people that I just don't like. Then Tuesday, I got the wonderful experience of reliving the wonderful case of the Mondays, because I had to air up my tires since they don't seem to like to function correctly, and do lots of junk the night before so I probably got maybe 3 hours of sleep. I had to deal with people I JUST DON'T LIKE, got lost, got stressed out cause of my books (we haven't ordered them yet) and got in a fight with Julian, (for the second day in a row which isn't surprising) and I didn't get to do everything that needed to be done yesterday... but the good thing is: I got a yearbook. :D
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