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I am a senior starting this new school year. I have a job in graphic designing and I might have another job at a grocery store soon.

July 30, 2008

School Days

In all of my years of going to school, I have decided this is the best way to wake up.

The alarm clock goes off at 6:00, you reach over to hit the snooze button for another 5 minutes of sleep, because your hair wouldn't go right last night after your shower. Staring at it for a long time in the mirror didn't help so finally you heated up your straightner, and burnt it to a crisp trying to make it pin straight. Then you had to lay out your clothes.

You had stood in front of your closet for a full 30 more minutes trying to pick out your outfit for tomorrow. You already had the jeans laid out because of the wonderful luck of every pair being dirty and it's only the second day of school, so that's the only pair left in your closet. You pulled every shirt off of the hanger and tossed it into the floor, which is how all of your 6 pairs of jeans got magically dirty in the first place. The entire time you're thinking Why in the world would I buy this? Even though at the store you almost cried when your mom wouldn't give you enough money to buy that ONE shirt that looked good on you at the store, but looks bad on you here. She finally gave up, and handed you the extra 5 dollars needed for the shirt. And now that it's in your closet it's never going to get worn again, because of the ugly color. You finally found the right shirt for you, lay it out, and get in bed. You went to bed at 12:05 in the morning.

You hit the snooze five minutes later at 6:05 wanting just a little more sleep. Five minutes later at 6:10 you groan and hit it again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Finally, you look at the clock, 6:35! You rush out of bed, freaking out because you're supposed to catch the bus at 6:55.

You quickly go into the bathroom, wash your face, brush your teeth, and turn on the straightner.

Then you run into your bedroom and throw on your clothes, only to see that you look like a total dork! How could you pick out that shirt? It looks so wierd, and that's when you want to wear that one shirt that you almost cried over.

You drop to your hands and knees filtering out all of the clothes on the floor that are NOT your shirt. Then, after 10 minutes of looking, you finally find it. Quickly you put it on, and run back into the bathroom.

Your straightener is not heated up all the way, but who cares? You run it through your frizzy hair again, remembering the ordeal from last night and look at that one piece of hair. It's straight, but badly damaged. That'll teach it. you think to yourself, and quickly pull out your purse.

You only have 3 minutes to put on your makeup, so you have to hurry. Quickly you slap on some base, powder, blush, bronzer, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascera, and lipgloss. You run into your bedroom, and grab your bag, and put on your shoes. You only have a minute left.

You turn around and look in the mirror, and realize that you look like a clown! In your haste, you made yourself a walking freak. Quickly you rush into your bathroom, wash off the makeup, and dump your entire cosmetic collection into your bag, then run out the door.

The bus has already came to a stop at the end of your driveway. You start to run up the driveway, when the bus starts pulling off, leaving you there. You feel a sinking feeling in your gut as it starts to pull away, then stops abruptly. Somebody had informed the driver of you standing there.

You breathe a sigh of relief as you get onto the bus, a mess.