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I am a senior starting this new school year. I have a job in graphic designing and I might have another job at a grocery store soon.

October 20, 2008

I think I'm sick

I thought it was true bliss
I thought you were the one
So imagine my suprise
When you told me we were done.
Everything was fine
Moving right along
We were close to a year
Too bad I was wrong.
So now I sit here
Knuckles bleeding, heart shattered
Too bad you don' have the balls
To tell me what was the matter.
I hope your happy
With the mess you've made
Cause I'm broken
And hold the worlds weight.

I hope your crying
Slowly rotting from the inside out.
Your heart is torn.
And is on the floor beating in front of you.
I hope you see your mistake
And break a knuckle against a wall
I hope you cant sleep tonight
And somebody steals me and makes me theirs
And your left alone.

Like how I am now

Can you tell me what I did?
I swear I won't cry
I dont care if it was on a text.
Just tell me why.
Boy, I thought you had some balls
But I guess I was blind.
Was it just a spontanious thing?
Or did I miss the signs?

The evidence right in front of me.
Plain as sight
You left me for her
Isn't that right?
Im not only dead,
Im not only numb,
I'm also feeling
A little bit like scum
So long we were togeter
Close to our anniversary too
How could you?

So for all of those of you who don't know... Julian (boyfriend of 10 months) dumped me Wednesday...

October 14, 2008

Family's Back

Wow! I mean, just wow. I feel like I'm going to bust with exitement! My cousin, Stuart, has been in Seattle for about a year and now he's finally, FINALLY, coming back! I saw him for the first time in a year today about an hour ago! I was so happy that I teared up while we were sitting there talking, and I had to leave the room. It's so relieving to see him. I've been so worried about him ever since he left. It's been like, part of the family is missing to me, and now everything's better.

I'm sorry if this is kinda scatterbrained. I'm just so excited!!!!

October 13, 2008

So now that school has started, I have complete and free access to photoshop. Awesome huh? So I want to do some before and after pictures on here and I want you to tell me what you think.
The red one is the before and the purple are the after.

The white is after and the purple are before.

October 3, 2008


Oh my gosh. I am so freaking out. I signed up for the PSAT test at school, and I got online to study a little bit, and I found out... I'm not as smart as I think I am. I am like, super-stupid, cause I don't even remember how the heck to do simple things like equations and crap like that.

Oh...My....GOD! Like, superhyperventalliating over here.

Anyways, I've been really super lazy recently. I mean really lazy. I have the seventh chapter all written out and all, all I have to do is type and edit it. I think I'll try to do that this weekend...